2021 Speakers

Rana Dajani
Molecular Biologist & Tenured Professor of Biology and Biotechnology at Hashemite University

Nidhal Guessoum
Professor at American University of Sharjah

Bothina Osama
MENA Regional Co-ordinator at SciDev.Net

Abdullah Annan
Founder of shar3-EL3lom and named best content creator presents educational content by TikTok MENA in 2020

Hashem Al-Ghaili
Producer, filmmaker, science communicator, and the founder of Science Nature Page, which has +32 m followers

Layla Al-Musawi
Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive of Advancement of Sciences Publishing and Distribution Co. and Program Manager of Publicizing and Dissemination of Science and Technology (P3) Scientific Culture at Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences.

Jauad El Kharraz
Senior Water-Energy-Climate expert & R&D

Amal Amin
Associate Professor at National Research Center (Egypt) & Founder of Women In Science Without Borders Initiative

Mohamed Elsonbaty
Award-winning Science Journalist and Scicomm Consultant

Zeinab Ghosn
Head of the Regional Communication Centre (RCC) at International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC

Dr. Alia Abu Kiwan
Researcher in Molecular Biology

Islam Hussein
Virologist, Founder of Virolvlog, and Senior Scientist and Principal Investigator at Microbiotix

Aref Husseini
Chairman of Al Nayzak

Abdulaziz Alhegelan
President of NAMES Network and Executive director of Mishkat Interactive Center for Atomic and Renewable Energy

Rana A. Al-Nibari
General Manager of The Scientific Center Kuwait

Samya Ayish
Communication Manager at Arij and former Google News Lab Teaching Fellow

Rehab Abd Almohsen
Science Journalist

Sawsan Dalaq
Director of the Children's Museum Jordan

Ahmed Ibrahim Osman
Professor and Founder of 3elmTube

Shaimaa ElBanna
The Head of Science at British Council Egypt

Mohamed Soliman
Science Communication & Development Officer at AUC

Diala Ghassan
Communication Advisor at Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Imad Aoun
Communications & Advocacy Advisor at Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Ahmed Ibrahim Osman
Professor and Founder of 3elmTube

Hanan Dowidar
Head of Strategic Partnerships at 1001 Inventions

Maissa Azab
Executive Director, NAMES network

Fatiha Chara
Investigative Journalist at Algerian 1 Channel

Laila Ziko
Lecturer at University of Hertfordshire

Massa Mufti
Educational Expert - Chair and Founder of NGO Sonbola

Hanan Kiswany
Assistant Professor at Faculty of Media, University of Petra, and Investigative Journalist at Al Ghad newspaper

Nehal Lasheen
Assistant Editor for SciDev.Net for the Middle East and North Africa Edition

Adel Aldaghbashy
SciDev.Net reporter from Yemen

NaJah Shana
Jordanian journalist

Ayman Elsayed
Head of Educational Programs, Planetarium Science Center at Bibliotheca Alexanderia

Riad Mazouzi
Reporter at SciDev.Net Middle East and North Africa Version

Mouttasem Albarodi
Science media officer at Children's Cancer Hospital Foundation 57357

Faris Bukhamsin
Co-founder of Scientific Saudi

Ola Al-Ghazawy
Founder of Planet X

Noha Atef
Media Researcher at Simon Fraser University, Canada

Mohammed Yahia
Executive Editor at Nature Portfolio

Dalia Abdel-Salam
Editor in Chief Arabic Edition of Scientific American

Sahar Abdelwahab
Lecturer at Al-Azhar University in Egypt, specialized in Sustainable Building Design and Building Performance

Mostafa Ali Abu Moslim
Audience Engagement Editor at Springer Nature

Emad Saad
Environmental Advisor for the Environment Friends Society, Abu Dhabi

Omar AL-Hayani
Science Journalist

Mohamed Elhawary
Managing editor at AL-Masry Al-Youm newspaper

Qusai Meklad
Project Manager at Haykal Media and manager of Popular Science Arabia

Mai Elsayed
Editor at Popular Science Arabia

Prof. Yasser M. Shabana
Professor of Plant Pathology at University of Florida

Mohamed Ramadan A. Rezk
Director of Egyptian Science , Technology and Innovation Observatory (ESTIO) at Academy of scientific research and technology, ASRT

Ahmed ElSheikh
Mechanical Engineering Lecturer - South Valley University

Mona Yassin
Communication at World Health Organization

Pakinam A.
Senior Writer, Emmy-winning interactive documentary MoonDisaster.Org at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Perihan Shafie
Program Manager at British Council

Youssef Ait Ouarssas
Head of Space Curiosities

Mohamed Mahgoub Hussien
Executive Director of Young Innovators

Ahmed Hassan Balah
Senior Editor of Scientific American Arabic Edition

Taha Darwish
Managing Editor of the Jordanian Media Credibility Monitor “AKEED”

Assala Lamaa Mallak
phD Student in Molecular Cancer biology

Eman Elsyaed
Digital Content Manager of Popular Science Arabia

Latifa El Ghazal

Najwa Khouri Boulos
Professor of Infectious Diseases and Children at Faculty of Medicine - Jordan University

Mohammad Hajjiri
Cardiology Specialist in Mansfield, OH

Magdy said
Online science editor of Aljazeera.net

Alsaad Al Menhali
Editor-in-chief of National Geographic Al Arabiya

Anoud Al-Zou'bi
Co-Founder at Nabd Community for Media & Information Literacy

Nadia El Bilbesi
Head of Washington DC Office

Eithar Alazzam
Science Journalist